Sports Massage
Sports massage is a specific kind of massage therapy that can benefit a person engaged in regular sports or physical activity– one that involves manipulation of the layers of soft tissue through the body to reduce tension and imbalances that are caused from exercise, enhance performance and mobility, ease chronic pain, aid sports injury recovery, and prevent future injuries.
Although sport and fitness might appear to be the focus of a sports massage, this kind of therapy considers much more than just your last gym session or sports injury. Sports massage techniques are designed to counteract the huge range of stresses we put our bodies through every day.
For office workers, these stresses may include the way you sit or hold your shoulders as you work – resulting in muscle soreness. For people who are taking part in personal training, these are the stresses that come when you physically push to go longer, harder, or heavier than you have before.
Sports massage can support an almost endless list of conditions and sports-related injuries. From your neck down to your feet, sports massage treatment is a proven way to deliver lasting pain relief – especially when used in conjunction with ongoing training, strengthening, and conditioning.